28 July 2009

What I'm looking for in the Disqus Documentations

The problem I have so far with Tumblr is when moderating comments (replying especially) by email via my mobile phone. You see I have a push email in my mobile phone and it comes very handy when managing emails.

Now when I’m replying to a comment in Disqus, it handles the original email message different (than compared to when using the web interface of gmail). The last time I replied to a Disqus comment, my comment appeared with my signature (okay, I can delete the signature anytime) and then the phrase “—- original message ——”. Okay, the orignal message itself was excluded when it posted to my blog. But this obviously is annoying.

I searched through the Disqus documentation and I couldn’t find any article about handling such kind of problem. I’m not even sure if deleting the original message altogether is fine with Disqus.

For one thing, in IntenseDebate they have something like (!End) you put at the end of your message so that everything after it are disregarded. This is a great feature, only that it is not working! (Crap IntenseDebate).

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