Why would you want to convert your video files to flv?
That's because so that you can make it play in any WordPress installation you have, or maybe even in any webpage for that matter. I may not apply to all video formats but flv files are generally smaller in size with the same video quality as compared to when they are in any other different format. Youtube and other video sharing sites convert any video file to flv first before posting.
Convert Video Files to FLV
We are only talking about free software here. So far the best "free" video conversion utility for Windows I found was the SUPER, which stands for Simplified Universal Player Encoder & Renderer. Their website is found
I found the software through search which landed me to
this forum and downloaded the software from
here. I followed the tutorial on the forum.
So far I was able to successfully convert .3gp and .mp4 files.
Posting the Video to your WordPress blog
You will need the wp-flv plugin to display an flv video into your WordPress blog. The plugin is not anywhere in the plugins repository so you will need to download it from the official
plugin homepage.
However, it is not anymore actively supported by the plugin author, and I'm quite worried that anytime it'll go down.
I compiled myself the necessary files in order to successfully run the WordPress plugin into your own installation (for eternity purposes). It's in 7z format, so you'll need to have 7-zip installed.
File includes:
- wp-flv-readme.html
- wp-flv.php
- mediaplayer.swf
Good luck in your dealing with this plugin.
Download WP-FLV