Showing posts with label WP-Plugins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WP-Plugins. Show all posts

23 June 2009

Allowed Memory Size Fatal Error in WordPress

If you are on WordPress, you might have experienced the same error while upgrading plugins and other actions from the backend:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate...)

This particularly happened to me while automatically upgrading Google Sitemap Plugin.

To solve this, this trick worked for me.

Edit your wp-config.php to include the following line:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');

I just hope this will work for you too.

15 June 2009

SRG Clean Archives is not for WordPress Later than 2.6

Yep, that's how it is. I loved that WordPress plugin for a simple reason that it is able to parse all your posts in your WordPress blog into one page, while including comment counts for each post.

However, despite my affection for the plugin, the author seems to forget to update it anymore to make it compatible with the latest versions of WordPress.

While activated in WordPress 2.7 and later, a lot of errors occur in the WordPress backend especially when posting new entries and approving or marking as spam new comments.

I hate to say bye bye to such great plugin, but that's how life is. There is also another plugin that works exactly the same as SRG Clean Archives (I think it goes by the name "Clean Archives" as well), but it was even long abandoned by the plugin author than this one.

27 May 2009

Some WordPress Related Articles

Facebook Connect Wordpress Plugin

This plugin lets you, the blogger, to integrate a Facebook login in your WordPress commenting system. Why would you want to do that? We bloggers usually want to build a community around our blog or website. What better way to build that community but by your friends in Facebook.

Your friends, and any other commenters for that matter, can use their Facebook credentials to login and comment at your blog. Their author url points to their Facebook profile.

In this blog, which is using Disqus commenting system, you can also comment using your facebook credentials. This is made possible by the built-in Facebook integration within Disqus.

If you are using Disqus as well and would like to integrate Facebook upon it, just go to their services and you'll find a tutorial on how to do it. You will need your own Facebook account to do this.

How to move WordPressMU

By moving it means moving from one domain name to another. This involves a lot of MySQL hacking. If you're really not comfortable with that, better not try.

But you can always try of course, but be sure to backup your database first.

Importing a single WP blog to a WPMu Installation

This is applicable if you want to convert your standard WordPress blog to a WPMu install. Why would you want to do that? This offers a lot more flexibility if you want to install various blogs for various topics that you want to blog about. This will maintain a single login credentials for various blogs in different subdomains of your main blog.

21 May 2009

Convert Videos to FLV and Display them in WordPress

Why would you want to convert your video files to flv?

That's because so that you can make it play in any WordPress installation you have, or maybe even in any webpage for that matter. I may not apply to all video formats but flv files are generally smaller in size with the same video quality as compared to when they are in any other different format. Youtube and other video sharing sites convert any video file to flv first before posting.

Convert Video Files to FLV

We are only talking about free software here. So far the best "free" video conversion utility for Windows I found was the SUPER, which stands for Simplified Universal Player Encoder & Renderer. Their website is found here.

I found the software through search which landed me to this forum and downloaded the software from here. I followed the tutorial on the forum.

So far I was able to successfully convert .3gp and .mp4 files.

Posting the Video to your WordPress blog

You will need the wp-flv plugin to display an flv video into your WordPress blog. The plugin is not anywhere in the plugins repository so you will need to download it from the official plugin homepage.

However, it is not anymore actively supported by the plugin author, and I'm quite worried that anytime it'll go down.

I compiled myself the necessary files in order to successfully run the WordPress plugin into your own installation (for eternity purposes). It's in 7z format, so you'll need to have 7-zip installed.

File includes:
- wp-flv-readme.html
- wp-flv.php
- mediaplayer.swf

Good luck in your dealing with this plugin.

Download WP-FLV